TNA Wrestling Destination X: Ultimate X Match

07/18/2011 14:05


Ultimate X: Robbie E. vs. Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red vs. Shannon Moore

We go to the ring for Ultimate X to crown a new #1 contender for the X Division Title. Tenay and Borash talk about Ultimate X as the crew finishes putting the structure up and hanging the X. Out first comes Robbie E. with Cookie at his side. Amazing Red is out next, then Shannon Moore and finally Alex Shelley. The bell rings and they all go at it, Moore and Red, Shelley and Robbie. Moore drops Red and then goes for Robbie, doing the same. Moore then takes down Shelley and goes back to work on Robbie. Moore cleans house and goes to climb the structure. Red stops him and they go at it. Shelley and Red go at it now. Shelley knocks Red off the top to the mat as Robbie climbs to the ropes on the structure. Red sends Shelley to the floor. Robbie drops from the ropes on the structure and goes at it with Red. Red gets the upperhand and climbs up but Shelley stops him with a big chop to the back. Shelley, Robbie and Red go at it with each other in the corner. They send Robbie to the floor and Shelley works Red over while his leg is stuck on the ropes. Moore starts to climb up now until Shelley stops him.

Moore, Robbie and Shelley go at it in the corner now. Shelley baseball slides them both. He goes to the top but Red stops him. Shelley knocks Red to the apron. Shelley climbs out on the ropes but Robbie pulls him down to the mat. Red and Robbie go at it now. Red knocks Shelley down and leaps from the top onto Robbie. Robbie blocks it and sends Red to the mat. Robbie runs and knocks Moore off the apron. He baseball slides but Moore traps him in the apron cover and hits him with forearms. Shelley flies over the ropes and shoves Moore into Robbie. Moore ends up on the apron and moonsaults back onto Shelley and the floor.

Lots more back and forth action. Robbie climbs the structure and points at the X. He climbs out on the ropes and goes for it. Red pulls his leg and brings him to the mat. Red with a series of spin kicks. Robbie whips Red into the ropes and he flies over them and down to the floor onto Moore & Shelley. Robbie goes back up and climbs out for the X. Red springboards into the ring and dropkicks Robbie out of the air. Robbie goes to the floor to regroup with Cookie. Moore climbs the structure now but doesn’t go out on the ropes for the X. Moore climbs up higher, to the top of the structure. Cookie holds Shelley’s leg as he tries to climb the structure. Moore crawls out on top of the structure. Red is also climbing out on the ropes going for the X. Shelley finally starts going for the X. Moore drops from the top of the structure, onto the ropes, and kicks Red off of them. Moore goes for the X but Shelley slides out on the ropes and kicks Moore to the mat. Shelley unhooks the X and drops to the mat for the win.

Winner: Alex Shelley – new number one contender for the XDivision Title

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